
₹ 90

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Gut health plays an important role in the overall physical and mental wellbeing of a person. Ayurveda also says, “roga sarve api mandagnou”, meaning all diseases are caused by mandagni or low digestive activity. Consistently improper digestion can lead to flatulence, bloating, hard bowel movements and even more serious conditions like piles, fistula and fissure in the long run. One of the most beloved traditional Ayurvedic formulations for all the right reasons – Abhayarishtam with its exquisite combination of herbs and spices gently cleanses the system, supporting the overall digestive health. It helps maintain regularity and normal consistency of bowel movements, necessary in conditions of piles, fissure and fistula. As the name suggests, the main ingredient Abhaya helps ease the bowel movements and boosts the normal digestive activity. It also contains Vidanga, which helps destroy the harmful parasites which impair normal digestion and appetite. The carminative action of Ginger and Abhaya promotes secretion of digestive juices, essential for maintaining appetite and helps reduce bloating and flatulence. The antioxidant properties of the ingredients ease discomfort in the anal region, associated with hard bowel, piles etc.