
₹ 200

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Ayurvedic treatises boast of numerous simple yet very effective formulations that include ingredients we use in our daily lives. Ardrakasavam from the house of AVP is one such composition mentioned in ‘Ashtanga Hridayam’ that recognizes and harnesses the extensive therapeutic properties of Ginger. Alongside jaggery, the formulation incorporates Ginger extract, which has enjoyed a legacy of digestive benefits spanning centuries. AVP Ardrakasavam is an excellent formula curated to rejuvenate the digestive system. It utilises the therapeutic properties of Ardraka (ginger) and promotes the secretion of digestive enzymes. Even though very potent in action, ginger balances Vata and Kapha doshas without aggravating Pitta dosha. Hence the formulation is beneficial in all kinds of digestive issues particularly, loss of appetite, gas trouble and improper digestion. Ayurveda Classics mention Ginger as Ruchya (promotes taste and appetite), Pachana (digestive), and Anulomana (corrects Vata dosha movements) among other significant properties. Thus, the intake of Ardrakasavam containing Fresh Ginger juice extract helps correct gastrointestinal disorders such as loss of appetite, impaired digestion, loss of taste, stomach pain due to improper digestion, flatulence and bloating.


1. Ardraka (Zingiber officinale) beneficial in digestive issues, helps promote appetite. 2. 3. 4.